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      P.O. Box 4260
      Cleveland, TN 37320


      (423) 478-2843

      Frequently Asked Questions

      Why did you decide to write a book on Catholicism?

      I wrote The Beliefs of the Catholic Church because I care. I care about sharing with others the biblical truths that have radically changed my life for the better and brought me into an intimate relationship with God.

      Why do you believe that the doctrines Christians embrace must be biblically-based?

      The three legs of Catholicism are: (1) Sacred Scripture; (2) Sacred Tradition; and (3) the Magisterium (a word meaning the ruling hierarchy of the Church and the sum of its authorized teachings). These three sources are declared to be of equal authority. However, I am persuaded, if teachings cannot be found in Scripture, they should be discarded. Yes, I agree the Church was dependent on oral tradition for several centuries, but that does not legitimize the introduction of new traditions and new doctrines since that era. In the formative years of the Church, ALL the apostolic traditions worthy of being embraced were recorded in those books that now comprise the New Testament. Nothing else is needed and nothing else should ever be added. (For more information on this, see Appendix #8 in The Beliefs of the Catholic Church book on “The Three Legs of Catholicism.”)

      Why did you stray from Catholicism?

      I participated in the Sacraments growing up. I was sprinkled as a baby. Years later, I received First Communion and participated in Confirmation. I was very fervent and devoted to my role as an altar boy, envisioning the time when I would eventually become a priest or a monk. However, in all those years, I never had a personal encounter with Jesus, and I was never truly filled with the Holy Spirit. So, unfortunately, I became discouraged, convinced there was no reality of God in the belief system I embraced. After a near-death encounter at the age of 18, though, I started searching passionately for God once again, even exploring eastern religions. Eventually, someone shared with me how to be “born again” according to the biblical revelation. It happened and my life was radically changed. Then a year later, I received the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, as described in the book of Acts. These were holy and powerful encounters with the Lord. It convinced me that there is a huge difference between religion and relationship.

      Do you believe in the Charismatic Movement?

      Yes, I absolutely do believe in the Charismatic Movement. It involves a renewed faith that God can move in our day just as He did in the early church, with the gifts (Greek charisma) of the Holy Spirit as listed in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11. One of the major areas of emphasis in our ministry is healing, which is listed as one of those gifts. Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. God has never changed. Even though Christianity has been bogged down with rituals, ceremonies, traditions and doctrines of men, there is still a supernatural walk with God available to those who believe that is deeply and wonderfully fulfilling.

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      Contact Info

      P.O. Box 4260
      Cleveland, TN 37320

      Contact Info

      (423) 478-2843