The Doctrine of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity

The Doctrine of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity

From the beginning of my walk with God, my heart has been gripped with awe concerning the glory of the incarnation. That the Holy Spirit would overshadow a virgin and place within her womb the substance that would become the physical form of the Son of God—what a...
Praying to the Saints–Biblically Correct?

Praying to the Saints–Biblically Correct?

During my years as a Catholic, the concept of “praying to the saints” was a dominant theme. I admired the saints. I studied their lives. I pondered the amazing ways God used them. I never questioned if “praying to the saints” was a viable practice. I just accepted it...
Are All Believers Priests?

Are All Believers Priests?

The Catholic catechism teaches there are two divisions of the priesthood: the “common priesthood” (normal Catholics) and the “ministerial priesthood” (clergy). (CCC 1546-1547)[1] However, I have found this distinction is not common knowledge, nor is it the actual,...
Are All Believers Saints?

Are All Believers Saints?

During my years as a Catholic, the concept of “saints” was a very familiar and intriguing one. Strangely, I never questioned whether the “canonization of saints” and “praying to the saints” were acceptable and viable practices. I embraced both doctrines, simply...
5 Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary

5 Reasons I No Longer Pray the Rosary

As a fervent Catholic growing up, I prayed the rosary often. In fact, I still have my original rosary in a shadow box with a picture of me in my altar boy cassock. During those formative years, running my fingers over the crucifix and fifty-nine beads, while repeating...